Transforming Spaces, Enriching Lives

When art design meets medical aid, a transformative synergy emerges, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics and healing. This intersection embodies the ethos of Fresh Frequencies Aquarium Services' commitment to enhancing well-being through innovative approaches.
In the realm of aquarium design, this convergence is particularly poignant. Our team incorporates artistic sensibilities into the creation of aquascapes, not only for visual appeal but also for therapeutic benefits. The mesmerizing dance of colorful fish, the gentle sway of aquatic plants, and the calming sounds of water resonate deeply with principles of medical aid and wellness.
Studies have shown that exposure to aquariums can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is where the art of design seamlessly aligns with its healing properties, offering a holistic approach to well-being that can be enjoyed by all.
At Fresh Frequencies, we recognize the potential for aquariums to foster healing environments within medical facilities. By integrating carefully crafted aquascapes into healthcare settings, we aim to create tranquil spaces that soothe patients, families, and healthcare professionals alike.
Whether it's a serene aquarium in a waiting room, a therapeutic installation in a rehabilitation facility, or a calming centerpiece in a meditation space, the fusion of art design and medical aid holds the power to elevate the healing journey.
In embracing this confluence, Fresh Frequencies Aquarium Services continues to redefine the boundaries of aquarium design, transcending aesthetics to embrace the profound impact of healing through art.
At Fresh Frequencies, we invite you to explore the endless possibilities where art design meets medical aid, illustrating the boundless potential for transformative experiences and enhanced well-being.

Welcome friends


  • Fresh Frequencies is a service only available to Las Vegas, Nevada and its surrounding neighborhoods. We currently typically do not ship or service tanks outside of Nevada.

  • We utilize the “1 Shot Method” to acclimate fish . The slower the better allows for the chemistry of the Original water and your tank water to balance and adjust accordingly to reduce shock to the fish from varying environments. A STEP BY STEP GUIDE is available under the Q&A Section.

  • It all begins with an idea. and from there you can design it to your desire. When starting a brand new tank there are only a few components that need to be utilized to otimize balance inside you new aquarium. Materials you will need: 1. tank/container 2. water conditioner 3. tap water source 4. filter 5. heater 6.beneficial bacteria source 7. time. Nothing was built in a day, and no one felt better the next day when recovering from a serious illness. Nature takes its time, and can be gradual, and patience is a great lesson to be learned.

    To start a new tank, first place your container in a spot that is relatively temperature regulated. Spots directly under the sun can create warm spots in the tank that can provide a breeding ground for negative bacteria. Next add water to the container while mixing in the appropriate amount of water conditioner to the amount of water added. Follow your bottles instructions as not all chemical products are formulated the same and its best to take the manufactures advice over a blanket statement. After adding the dechlorinated water, add and turn on the heater. Beneficial bacteria can be added into the aquarium to start the culture to support whatever bacteria is necessary to activate the nitrification process. After you’ve added the bacteria, a source of food is necessary to keep the bacteria a live and have it multiply across the surface of the aquarium. This source of food can be any source of ammonia, so a pinch of food is sufficient, the waste of 1 small fish can be sufficient, or even products like fishless fuel cycle. After all the products have been added, only time is now necessary to keep growing our benfivicial bacteria at a steady rate. Adding too many fish in the beginning can quickly upset the balance within the tank as the ammonia levels will quickly rise and can cause harm to the fish as ammonia can burn their gills and impede their breathing abilities. Bad bacteria blooms can be often found as hazy or cloudy white water that makes it hard to see through the aquarium. Green cloudy water is another type of bloom found in the bacteria however this is a green suspended particle algae that can compete fish and shrimp for oxygen when the lights turn off for the evening. Decreased oxygen levels will look like the fish have increased respiratory breathing rate, swim with their mouths more open, and swim near the surface of the water. To help alleviate symptoms, increase surface agitation to help breathe the surface tension of the water and allow oxygen exchange to occur.

  • In the very beginning, we are incredibly excited to add fish and creatures into our new enclosure, that we often still need to yield to being able to properly care for our creatures in a balanced environment. For new freshwater aquariums, I suggest using the “doubles” rule as a good general guideline to understanding the limits of adding fish and what happens when too many fish are added too quickly.

our brand

At Fresh Frequencies creating and assisting others in plants and aquaria, we believe in the power of nature. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and helping you bring the beauty of plants and aquatic life into your home or workplace. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality products and personalized advice to ensure your success. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, we're here to support you every step of the way. Let us inspire and guide you in creating your own stunning plant and aquarium displays. Join us on this journey and discover the endless possibilities of nature.


Make a donation.

Please help Fresh Frequencies by donating to its organization fund to help individuals who are low income/students/or under financial hardship, but is still looking to gain the health benefits and skills in responsibility that these creations can overturn. Donations also help fund the organization with their efforts in community contests to inspire creativity and competitive drive, public donation events who serve the under privileged and those in financial hardship, and lastly helps fund its overall mission to bring to life an public aquarium gallery to bring access to the wonder and awe to the public for a healthier community.


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