A Betta, Where?!

Many seem to be surprised when I polietly reply that I put Betta Siamese Fighting Fish in all aquariums regardless if there are other fish in there or not! Of course with paying attention to some detail of fin type, veil, half-moon, plakat; placement is important. The betta fish is often in every aquarists journey at some point in their life. Incredibly hardy, and not requiring of any mechanical filtration, as it has a labyrinth organ unlike many other “fish” a betta is an amazing choice for any beginner to aquariums. Name a color, and it is highly likely that a betta could be found to match.

However not all bettas have the same temperament, some bettas will be extra feisty as you approach their enclosure showing you his aggression and his temperament. I would choose a little more relaxed and interactive betta over one that runs across the tank and flares at you. This will also be less likely to pick on other fish or invetrabrets that you may have mixed into the tank. Longer fin types are beautiful, but often be a source of bacterial infection when neglect is practiced. I compare it to long hair and nails, if care is not taken and neglected, things can get much worse quickly. Long fins also contribute to a slow swim speed through the water as the fins hold additional weight to the body, drag across the water, and length. Long fins could easily be a target to any fin nipping type fish, or a nip space shown through any aggression. A great short tailed variety is called the Plakat tail design, which is personally my favorite. The short tail design allows the betta to swim and get away from its “chaser” faster so he can keep his fins untouched.


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