Dragon Rock Set
Dragon Stone, traditionally known as Ohko Stone, is renowned for its dragon-scale texture. These natural stones have a unique appearance, from their unusual greenish-brown coloring to uneven, rippled surface texture. The Ohko Dragon stone is very popular with Iwagumi aquariums where the rocks serve as the focal point, complemented by aquatic plants. For optimal results, the dragon rocks are used in groups to establish the foundation of your aquascape, with plants strategically placed around them to create stunning visual effects in your dragon stone aquarium. The size of the Dragon stone varies from small to large:
Small Dragon Stones .5 - 2lbs / 6" x 4" x 3.5" approx.
Medium Dragon Stones 2 - 6lbs / 8" x 6" x 4.5" approx.
Large Dragon Stones 6 - 11lbs / 11" x 8" x 6" approx.
(All weights are approximate, and rocks vary in width and height.)
These stones exhibit intricate detailing, featuring numerous crevices and holes that makes it an ideal environment for planting mosses and small plants.
Dragon Stone, traditionally known as Ohko Stone, is renowned for its dragon-scale texture. These natural stones have a unique appearance, from their unusual greenish-brown coloring to uneven, rippled surface texture. The Ohko Dragon stone is very popular with Iwagumi aquariums where the rocks serve as the focal point, complemented by aquatic plants. For optimal results, the dragon rocks are used in groups to establish the foundation of your aquascape, with plants strategically placed around them to create stunning visual effects in your dragon stone aquarium. The size of the Dragon stone varies from small to large:
Small Dragon Stones .5 - 2lbs / 6" x 4" x 3.5" approx.
Medium Dragon Stones 2 - 6lbs / 8" x 6" x 4.5" approx.
Large Dragon Stones 6 - 11lbs / 11" x 8" x 6" approx.
(All weights are approximate, and rocks vary in width and height.)
These stones exhibit intricate detailing, featuring numerous crevices and holes that makes it an ideal environment for planting mosses and small plants.
Dragon Stone, traditionally known as Ohko Stone, is renowned for its dragon-scale texture. These natural stones have a unique appearance, from their unusual greenish-brown coloring to uneven, rippled surface texture. The Ohko Dragon stone is very popular with Iwagumi aquariums where the rocks serve as the focal point, complemented by aquatic plants. For optimal results, the dragon rocks are used in groups to establish the foundation of your aquascape, with plants strategically placed around them to create stunning visual effects in your dragon stone aquarium. The size of the Dragon stone varies from small to large:
Small Dragon Stones .5 - 2lbs / 6" x 4" x 3.5" approx.
Medium Dragon Stones 2 - 6lbs / 8" x 6" x 4.5" approx.
Large Dragon Stones 6 - 11lbs / 11" x 8" x 6" approx.
(All weights are approximate, and rocks vary in width and height.)
These stones exhibit intricate detailing, featuring numerous crevices and holes that makes it an ideal environment for planting mosses and small plants.